Monday, 22 December 2014

Monitor and Display Apartment Temperature using BeagleBone Black

As a project I wanted to be able to monitor the temperature in my apartment and display it on an LCD screen. I also decided that I would also like to simultaneously display the local city temperature.


In addition to the BeagleBone Black I purchased from AdaFruit

AdaFruit provide two Python libraries

For the OS I am running the latest version of Debian wheezy

# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 7.7 (wheezy)
Release: 7.7
Codename: wheezy

After following the wiring instructions from Adafruit and installing the two python libraries as mentioned above I could display the temperature from my Apartment on the LCD screen. The next step was to get the local temperature in Vancouver, Canada. I looked at a few options such as screen scraping using the Python Beautiful Soup library on the Environment Canada website. The screen scraping did work but not consistently. Looking around for some other options I found the fantastic OpenWeatherMap project, which for Canada uses Environment Canada as a data source. There is a Python library pyowm for OpenWeatherMap. This can be installed using pip :

# pip install pyown

From OpenWeatherMap you can register for free and obtain an API key. Using the pyowm library is relatively straight forward which then allows the data to be obtained and displayed on the LCD screen. 

I have a cron job that runs every 15 minutes during the hours I want the screen to display. I posted the Python script I used on my GitHub repository in case anyone finds it a useful reference.

1 comment:

  1. As a project I wanted to be able to monitor the temperature in my apartment and display it on an LCD screen. I also decided that I would also ...
