Sunday 13 April 2014 bash: ./IE11.Win8.1.For.LinuxVirtualBox.part1.sfx: No such file or directory on Linux

While I love using Linux software UI testing in browsers does mean having to sometimes test using IE. I found out that helpfully Microsoft make available for testing only Virtualbox VM's to allow browser testing via the site . Great, this is just what i need!  After downloading the VM's the instructions are pretty straight forward but instead of extracting the files I got this :

$ ./IE11.Win8.1.For.LinuxVirtualBox.part1.sfx

bash: ./IE11.Win8.1.For.LinuxVirtualBox.part1.sfx: No such file or directory

I was using Arch Linux and even though the MD5 sums were fine I downloaded the files again with the same result. I also tried Ubuntu, Crunchbang (#!) Linux with the same result. After a lot of trial and error I worked out that it needs some 32 bit libraries to extract the files correctly!

My solution was to use a 64 bit CentOS 6.x VM and installed :

# yum -y install glibc.i686 libstdc++.i686

Now you can extract the file as normal!

Hope this helps someone as it was a pain for me to work out.

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